The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) is the umbrella organisation representing workplace health and safety professions in New Zealand.
The HASANZ Register is open for business at www.register.hasanz.org.nz. It’s a one stop shop for businesses to find verified professionals across the workplace health and safety disciplines.
The HASANZ Register was officially launched by WorkSafe Chief Executive Nicole Rosie on Friday 27 July. This marks a significant milestone for HASANZ and it’s also a major milestone for the workplace health and safety sector as a whole.
For the first time, businesses have access to a national, online register of verified health and safety professionals across disciplines. It’s free to use. The HASANZ Register puts businesses at the centre of the search process, matching them with a list of qualified professionals with proven capability and experience who can provide reliable, quality advice on their specific health and safety issue. Not every skill and region is well represented yet – the Register’s reach will grow over time.
The HASANZ Register has been made possible with generous funding from ACC and WorkSafe New Zealand. It is also underpinned by the collective efforts of our HASANZ Member associations who developed the common framework of registration standards that supports the HASANZ Register. They also carry out the exacting task of vetting applicants.
People can’t just pay to be on the HASANZ Register, they have to earn their place there. HASANZ Registered health and safety professionals must meet stringent competency standards. That’s why the HASANZ Registered quality mark has been introduced, so professionals can be easily identified. The value of the HASANZ Register will grow with increasing demand for HASANZ Registered health and safety advisers.
Greater use of quality-assured health and safety professionals will help reduce serious harm and fatalities in New Zealand workplaces. The launch of the HASANZ Register is a major step towards that goal.
Click to download and view the HASANZ Pipeline report – Health and Safety Workforce Pipeline Project
Please see the Video from Kerry Cheung – one of the recipients of a HASANZ Scholarship (2018). Click Here