HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018 – Call for papers open
Call for papers HASANZ welcomes abstracts for its 2018 conference. We are seeking presentations that will raise the bar for professional standards for workplace health and safety professionals and raise the standard of workplace health and safety advice in New Zealand.
Presentations will be given at the concurrent sessions in our conference programme on the morning and afternoon of Thursday 6 and Friday 7 September. Each session is comprised of three streams: Culture, Capability and Collaboration.
Papers should relate to one of these streams and to our conference theme, Raising the Bar.
We are seeking compelling, informative, future focused presentations that will build professional capability. We are interested in presentations that push our thinking above and beyond the ordinary.
These may include case studies, innovative practice examples, research based presentations or technical and academic papers across all areas of workplace health and safety.
Call for Papers FLYER – Click for more information
For more information go to the HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018 website. http://www.hasanz.org.nz/page/call-for-papers/