Mentoring Program

The NZOHS Mentoring Program seeks to assist members to develop their skills in occupational hygiene and increase their network.  The program also provides a way for senior hygienists to support their peers.

Mentoring is a relationship between individuals with different levels of knowledge and experience.  The Mentor is there to support and encourage the Mentee’s professional development.  Mentoring is NOT supervision of the Mentee to tell them what to do and not to do. It is not training on how to conduct a specific body of work.

Program participants can expect to benefit by:

  • Acquiring new technical, interpersonal or management skills.
  • Gaining professional development and career direction.
  • Gaining increased personal confidence in their work setting.
  • Developing of a relationship with a person who can be a role model and sounding board to give feedback on ideas and career plans.
  • Developing new professional contacts.
  • Gaining exposure to new ideas, technologies and perspectives. Greater connectivity with all parts of NZOHS in New Zealand.

More information on the mentoring program can be found by downloading the following:

NZOHS Mentoring Process Document

NZOHS Mentoring Agreement Form


Are you interested in becoming a Mentor or Mentee?  Fill out the form below and send to

Mentee/Mentor Application Form