OHTA Courses

2024 – 2025 Education & Training Plan – HERE

Click HERE for OHTA Resources

NZOHS are pleased to present the following courses.  For dates and locations, please click on this link to view the NZOHS Events Calendar or contact admin@nzohs.org.nz

201 – Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene OHTA Course:  (Wellington)

10th – 13th March 2025

This 4 day course provides a practical understanding of occupational hygiene and its contribution to worker health for people who need to manage or advise on workplace health issues and builds a foundation from which more in-depth study can be undertaken.

Registrations open NOW

NZOHS Associates and Professional Members: $2250 + GST
Non-Members: $2550 + GST
Exam Fee: $374 + GST

503 – Noise Measurements and its Effects OHTA Course:


31st March – 4th April 2025

This 5 day course covers the nature of noise hazards in the workplace, their effects on people and how to assess noise in the workplace and in the general environment.

Registrations open NOW

NZOHS Associates and Professional Members: $2500 + GST
Non-Members: $2800 + GST
Exam Fee: $374 + GST

505 – Control of Hazardous Substances OHTA Course:  (Christchurch)

5th – 9th May 2025

This 5 day course covers how exposure to hazardous substances arises in the workplace and builds on knowledge of the methodologies and technologies available to control exposures and reduce risks to health.

Registrations open NOW

NZOHS Associates and Professional Members: $2500 + GST
Non-Members: $2800 + GST
Exam Fee: $374 + GST

502 – Thermal Environment OHTA Course:  (Auckland)

23 – 27 June 2025

This 5 day course covers the effects of the thermal environment on people and how to assess and control the risks associated with thermal stresses.

Registrations open NOW

NZOHS Associates and Professional Members: $2500 + GST
Non-Members: $2800 + GST
Exam Fee: $374 + GST

 For any course enquiries, please contact admin@nzohs.org.nz

201 Basic Principles in Occupational Hygiene.  This course provides a practical understanding of occupational hygiene and its contribution to worker health for people who need to manage or advise on workplace health issues and builds a foundation from which more in-depth study can be undertaken.

501 Measurement of Hazardous Substances.   This course covers the techniques for assessing exposure to hazardous substances in the workplace and understanding how exposure information can be used to assess risk to workers.

502 Thermal Environment.  This course covers the effects of the thermal environment on people and how to assess and control the risks associated with thermal stresses.

503 Noise – Measurements and its Effects.  This course covers the nature of noise hazards in the workplace, their effects on people and how to assess noise in the workplace and in the general environment.

504 Asbestos and other Fibres. Provides an overview of occupational exposures to both naturally occurring and synthetic mineral fibres including health effects and methods of evaluation and control.  This course is aimed primarily at Occupational Hygiene professionals as well as asbestos consultants.

505 Control of Hazardous Substances. This course covers how exposure to hazardous substances arises in the workplace and builds on knowledge of the methodologies and technologies available to control exposures and reduce risks to health.

506 Ergonomics Essentials. This course provides an introduction to ergonomics, discussing the application of ergonomic principles in the design of work, equipment and the workplace, covering ergonomic optimization, risk assessments, controls, health effects and environmental aspects.

507 Health Effects of Hazardous Substances.  This course covers an introduction to toxicology, physiology and epidemiology as well as the identification of chemical substances hazardous to health at work and their harmful effects on target organs.

Please note that a discount of approx 10% applies to all members of NZOHS (associate through fellow) as well as to members of the AIOH as per the MoU.    For further information, please contact: admin@nzohs.org.nz.

ICertOHTA Award (2024 onwards)

Once you have successfully completed 6 Intermediate OHTA Modules, you can apply to receive an ICertOHTA Award.

Click HERE for the application form.